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Sunday, September 4, 2011

Great Video for Evangelization...just needs better music!

A friend posted this on Facebook, and I couldn't resist.  What a tremendous witness (even if the music is a bit odd...).  It really strikes at the heart of being Catholic.  It's not just a denomination.  It's an identity!

It's all very Catholic.  It's just missing Catholic music.  And I'm not talking about this:

I'm talking something TRULY Catholic and Universal, that drips with a sense of the sacred and timeless, as if you can see the countless members of Christ's Faithful who have sung it throughout the ages (no, not "On Eagle's Wings" *gag*).  Something like this:

Can we PLEASE have some Catholic music that wouldn't scandalize, frighten, or confuse 2,000 years worth of Catholics who have come before us?!  PLEASE?!

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